New Year Speech at Nagasaki,Fukuoka,Shimane,Yamaguchi by Ocean minstrel
Ocean minstrel Opening special presentation : Story Telling in 6 places
“Gift from the Ocean”
* Feb 1st 2014 Sat Nagasaki Civic Hall (Nagasaki City)
17:30〜20:00 ¥1,500 090-9345-5372
* 2nd Sun Umikara no kaze (Sasebo City)
14:30〜17:00 ¥2,000 090-7535-0769
* 3rd Mon Enryuji (Isahaya City)
18:30〜20:00 ¥2,000 0957-22-2153
* 5th Wed Haisai – syokudo (Kitakyusyu City)
19:00~21:00 ¥2,000 093-692-1777
* 7th Thu Daigaku – do (Kitakyusyu City)
15:00~17:00 FREE 080-6458-114
* 8th Fri~Sun Pasar Mangetu Kaigan (Hamada City)
17:00~19:00 ¥2,000 090-6001-6111
*11th Tue Misaka Shizen no Mori (Shimonoseki City)
17:00~19:00 ¥2,000 083-259-8555
Ikunori Suzawa (Traditional skin boat builder)
“Time traveling boat”
All lives came from sea. Everybody goes back to ocean when the time comes. All of us human beings have memory of traveling the ocean a long time ago, even if it is unconscious. The Kayak and bark canoe are the tools that remind our ancient memory of the deep sea.
Shingo Takazawa (Eskimo hunter trainee)
“Eat the Ocean”
I keep visiting Inupiaq Eskimo town Point Hope Alaska over 20 years. I am whaling with the local people over 10 years. Their culture is continuing to change. I continue visiting to learn their culture and to keep their tradition alive.
Katsuaki Suzuki (sea kayak maritime adventurer)
“beyond the sea air”
Story of solo paddling journey around Japan. It took 25 months by myself. My left foot into the never-ending wilderness and my right foot into the modern Japanese society. As the core connecting the two worlds, What did I think? What did I feel? And what can I tell you?
Jin Ishikawa (Ocean Explorer)
“Dance with the ocean”
We make the reed-ship as the first men made them. We cross the ocean in this vessel. As if in a time machine, on this journey we are taken back thousands of years and connect with those ancient men. In order to receive wisdom from the ocean we will dance with the seas while listening to the songs of the stars, reading a poem of waves, and touching the color of the winds.
Special Speaker
Daisuke Takekawa (Daigaku-do)
Sakura Koretsune (Pasar Mangetu Kaigan)
Hajime Ishikawa (Misaka Shizen no Mori)
Cooperator Heat Wave/Tsukimi-Coffee/Tomo House/Natural field